INTEGRITY Security Services partners with Unex to deliver secure V2X communications for connected vehicles and smart infrastructure

Partnership focuses on ensuring all vehicles and roadside equipment can reliably exchange authenticated messages


IntegrityUnex and INTEGRITY Security Services (ISS) have announced a new partnership in an effort to advance safer and smarter transportation.

While the former is a leading provider of V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) systems, the latter is an embedded security solution expert and a wholly owned subsidiary of Green Hills Software LLC.

The association between the two companies focuses on ensuring all vehicles and roadside equipment can reliably exchange authenticated messages.

V2X is becoming an important player in the rapid rise of connected and autonomous vehicles. Communication and exchange of information between vehicles and roadside infrastructure is the basis of smart traffic and transport systems.

But, similar to other wireless technology, security issues are primary concerns in V2X. For instance, hackers may tamper or send fake messages. Such attacks include fake red-light violation and traffic chaos attack, which might lead to traffic accident and traffic jam.

Digital signatures

Secure V2X communications need the technology of digital signatures including Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) service for issuing certificates and credential management services of end entity for signing and verifying signatures.

Certificates and signatures ensure the integrity of message content and authenticate the identity of the senders. The ISS Security Credential Management System (SCMS) for securely delivering V2X and C2X digital certificates is the only SCMS purpose built to be secure and scale to meet the needs of today’s largest transportation fleets, networks & eco-systems.

The ISS product name for their SCMS is the Certificate Management Service (CMS) and it was designed to meet the latest Government and Industry standards, delivering vehicle-to-anything (V2X) and European car-to-anything (C2X) certificates to automotive and smart city product manufacturers and operators worldwide.

(With inputs from Automotive Lead Research Team)

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