ASDC, FADA collaborate with Google for industry’s digital transformation

Partnership by Automotive Skills Development Council and Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations with internet giant expected to bring big changes


GoogleASDC and FADA have joined forces with Google for industry’s digital transformation. The partnership between Automotive Skills Development Council and Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations with Google India is aimed at bridging the digital skill gap in the country’s auto dealerships and build their capacity in this critical growth driver.

The collaboration has been forged by recognising the need to prepare more than 20,000 auto dealerships to engage with customers in the ongoing and post pandemic era.

According to industry experts, some customers may not wish to visit a dealership as many times as before prior to making a purchase decision, and hence, there is an urgent need for automotive retail to become virtual, lean, and flexible.

Nikhil Bansal, Head of Automotive, Google India, said “Over the years, the window to influence purchase decisions through offline efforts has become smaller. The average number of visits to dealerships in India fell by 50% over the last three years from 2016 to 2019.”

He added: “And now, COVID-19 has made consumers further reluctant to visit car dealerships, and as a result, walk-ins are even fewer. To aid business recovery, auto players are encouraged to take their dealerships to customers, online. We have been working with leading auto OEMs to help them digitise their dealership networks, and with this initiative, we are now bringing our learning and support to handhold the larger auto dealer ecosystem to go digital in collaboration with ASDC and FADA.”

He said Google is really excited to join hands with the industry in this first-of-its-kind initiative to help the dealer fraternity and support them in this necessary transition.

According to Nikunj Sanghi, Chairman, Automotive Skills Development Council, said that to maintain market continuity, both ASDC and FADA, with the help of Google, are helping the dealerships become as active as original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) on digital platforms.

Advent of technology

Vinkesh Gulati, President, Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA), said “With the advent of technology and new channels of communication, the classical approach to marketing products and services at the local level has undergone a paradigm change. Gone are the age-old practices of relying on inserts, banners, and small print
ads to gain exposure.”

He said the Google–ASDC–FADA webinars are hence aimed to prepare Dealer Principals and their teams to stay ahead in the game in times to come.

The initiative focuses on training over 20,000 auto dealerships across the country to build an online presence, and providing digital skill training to 100,000+ auto dealers across the marketing and sales divisions.

(With inputs from Automotive Lead Research Team)

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