asTech acquires advanced driver-assistance systems solutions provider adasThink

Strategic buy allows asTech to augment its service offering with identification of advanced vehicle systems


AstechasTech has announced the acquisition of adasThink. While the former is a portfolio company of Kinderhook Industries, LLC, the latter retrieves information related to the vehicle-specific advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS).

Also, it identifies required ADAS procedures and calibration based on labor operations in an automotive repair estimate.

The firm represents the tenth add-on acquisition for asTech and Kinderhook’s 101st automotive-related transaction. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

The adasThink technology leverages the vehicle identification number to properly identify the vehicle’s build information.

With the help of the information, the technology identifies the advance driver-assistance systems on the vehicle that have been impacted by the vehicle’s damage. In addition, this technology identifies OEM calibration requirements and instructions.

Paul Cifelli, Managing Director of Kinderhook Industries, said, “adasThink is a strategic acquisition that allows asTech to augment its service offering with identification of advanced vehicle systems that do not display a diagnostic trouble code.

Trouble codes

While these systems do not display diagnostic trouble codes, calibrations are necessary to ensure that vehicles are functioning as designed by the manufacturer.”

Cris Hollingsworth, President of Repairify, stated: “Repairify is thrilled to welcome Nick Dominato from adasThink, who will be joining the Repairify team. asTech has always remained committed to providing customers with accurate diagnostic services.”

The addition of adasThink to asTech’s capabilities offers our customers meaningful information about the condition of a vehicle’s safety systems to ensure the vehicle is repaired to OEM specifications, he added.

(With inputs from Automotive Lead Research Team)

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(With inputs from Automotive Lead Research Team)

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