Citroën conducts study on comfortology of Indians and role of cars

Objective of research is to understand what comfort means to different people In India and how the idea of comfort has changed over time, including pre COVID-19 and recently when the curve has started flattening


CITROËNCitroën India has launched a report on comfort – ‘Comfortology’, underlining idea of comfort in India through a survey.

The objective of the survey was to understand Indians’ view of comfort, where they feel comfortable, what makes them comfortable, how that differs between different age groups, and how that has changed during COVID-19 pandemic. It was also conducted to find out the role a car plays in making drivers and passengers more comfortable.

According to Roland Bouchara, Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Citroën India, “Citroën’s idea of ‘Comfortology’ is not prescriptive – we are not defining or imposing our idea of ‘comfort’ – it is collaborative; we aim to understand different groups’ perception of the same, what it means, how it shapes their expectations and decision-making, particularly in terms of mobility and eventually car purchase.”

The study gave an insight into people’s perception and understanding of the term comfort; in particular, from the perspective of drivers, passengers, consumers, and potential consumers, before the launch of the first flagship model New Citroën C5 Aircross SUV.

Bouchara added: “In the modern era, ‘comfort’ doesn’t simply refer to the physical comfort of the driver and passengers. The development of modern vehicles is already placing a new level of importance on comfort for all the occupants of a car. Citroën’s philosophy is focused on creating the well-being and therefore a greater peace of mind for people who drive for pleasure, everyday commute or business, ensuring & maximising comfort on all journeys.

And while talking of journeys Citroën aims to provide 360⁰ Comfort it includes comfort in the consumer journey starting from Citroën website at home to the phygital network, the La Maison Citroën – the home of Citroën and all other services.”

The report is based on face-to-face and telephonic interviews conducted by Innovative Research Services [India] Pvt. Ltd., with over 1,801 Indians of diverse ages, across Delhi, Gurugram, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kochi, and Kolkata. All the findings from the survey are supported by extensive research in both urban and rural areas.

Comfort a priority

As per the findings of the study, 81% Indians consider ‘comfort’ a priority when buying a car, while 79% Indians prefer personal vehicle, as mode of transport post COVID-19 lockdown, compared to 61% pre COVID-19 lockdown.

The research said 66% Indians consider home-cooked meals as their favourite comfort food, post COVID-19 lockdown, as compared to 35% Indians during pre COVID-19 lockdown.

It said 58% of respondents are comfortable working from home, while 22% describe it as ‘very uncomfortable’ and 55% Indians consider incessant exposure to honking, noise and pollution while driving a cause of their discomfort.

According to the survey, 49% Indians find back ache, neck ache and other physical strains the reason, and the same proportion hold traffic and congestion responsible for the lack of comfort.

(With inputs from Automotive Lead Research Team)

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