Vitesco Tech’s qualification campaign makes employees fit for e-mobility

Increasing number of participants with focus on e-mobility: Since 2017, around 840 employees in the Electrification Program, digital celebration event for around 100 participants


VitescoVitesco Technologies has launched a large-scale qualification campaign, with the strategic decision to actively shape technological change.

A leading international supplier of advanced powertrain technologies and electrification solutions, the company aims to make as many of its employees as possible fit for new projects in the field of e-mobility with its “e-education” initiative.

Ingo Holstein, CHRO of Vitesco Technologies, said, “With its ‘Direction 2030’ strategy, Vitesco Technologies has set itself the goal of being a technological pioneer in clean, electrified and sustainable drives. This consistent and, above all, very early focus on electrification has the advantage for our employees that they can prepare and train themselves with tailored offers and a clear focus.:

Holstein added: “We see continuous learning as a central prerequisite for successful transformation. And that is more important today than ever before.”

In Pisa alone, around 100 participants in the Electrification Program celebrated their certificate today (Friday) – in a digital setting – together with representatives of the management, the University of Pisa and the regional government of Tuscany, which co-funded the program locally.

Since 2017, around 380 employees from traditional drive development have qualified for electrification topics in intensive certificate courses. Another 460 employees are currently taking part in training courses or will start shortly.

Field of Industry 4.0

Vitesco Technologies in Pisa with round about 1000 employees has a great deal of expertise in the field of Industry 4.0. Nevertheless, the site, which mainly produces mechanical components for combustion technologies, is particularly affected by the transformation. The company has set up a Technology Lab specifically for this purpose.

Vitesco Technologies is a leading international developer and manufacturer of state-of-the-art powertrain technologies for sustainable mobility.

The time investment for specialization courses in electrification is shared equally by the company and its participants. As a result, the working hours that Vitesco Technologies invests in further training have already tripled within one year. This shows that employees are responding well to the offerings, and the number of participants in the electrification program is increasing.

(With inputs from Automotive Lead Research Team)

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