ObiiGO aims to change the way auotomotive repairs are done

World's first auto repair bidding app helps customers stay Covid-19-free and their cars 'code-free'


CarmechanicAn app named ObiiGo has been launched to bring the customer and independent repair facility together in unison to work together for the best pricing on the best repairs.

By using ObiiGO’s OBDII plug-in, the consumer can punch in the error codes and get the diagnostic read on the check engine light.

From there, the consumer can send off “bid requests” to participating repair and oil lube centers. Within 30 minutes the consumer will receive the bids based on time and value allowing the consumer to pick which bid satisfies not only their wallet but their schedule.

With Covid-19 limiting the ability to leave the house consumers still need their cars to get to the grocery store or doctor. With ObiiGO’s “pay on the app” and “touch free” process, the consumer need not come in contact with the repair facility manager or technician. With SMS messaging and the ability to send pictures, the repair facility can get a very good indication of what is going on with the car.

For the past 20 years, new car sales have continued to decline while the average car on the road is 11 years old. The majority of car dealerships count on auto repair to pay their fixed operating costs thus increasing the costs for repair year after year. The quality of the repairs has gone down while the dealerships continue to be more opulent with sub-par repairs and training. Independent repair facilities continue to grow at a 7% annual compound rate, clearly indicating the need for better pricing and better technicians. ObiiGO will bridge that gap for the independents by connecting them with consumers wanting good repairs at a fair price.

What customers say

Around 88% of consumers say independents charge less for auto repairs. And the average household spends 1.9% of their annual gross income on yearly auto repair. Being bigger and flashier is not what consumers want when it comes to auto repair. They want value, education on their being repaired and why. Consumers will pass up fancy lobbies and espresso machines to save their family money. ObiiGO has the capability of saving a family 50%, 60%, 70% off auto repair. Next time the check engine light comes on there will be no hesitation to check it out.

ObiiGo hopes that the frustration from going to one repair shop after another looking for the best service and price will be a thing of the past.

(With inputs from Automotive Lead Research Team)

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