Turtle Wax on expansion mode, to reach out to 23 more cities in India

* Launches Co-Branded car care studios in Bengaluru, Pune and Gurugram, plans to introduce additional stores in more key cities in 2021


TurtlewaxTurtle Wax, Inc., has announced the launch of its co-branded car-care studios in the Indian cities of Bengaluru, Pune and Gurugram.

The award-winning Chicago-based car care company has said that the new facilities are equipped with ultra-modern Turtle Wax detailing technologies.

In addition to each studio’s team of highly qualified and trained service personnel, these Turtle Wax Car Care Studios provide a variety of car detailing services and products specifically designed to cater to the personalised taste of car enthusiasts.

Sajan Murali Puravangara, Country Manager and Director of Turtle Wax Car Care India Pvt. Ltd. said, “The inauguration of our first three detailing co-branded concept studios within a few months of the brand launch is a testament to our continued investment, commitment and future plans for the Indian market.”

He said further that Turtle Wax’s entry into India was a result to the dual growth of the DIY car care culture and the growing demand of Do-It-For-Me consumers.

Narain Karthikeyan adds value

The inauguration was marked with a digital unveiling by Narain Karthikeyan, India’s first Formula One racer, through an Instagram Live.

Turtle Wax has also partnered with Narain’s NK Racing Academy and is contributing the young racing talents in India and pushing them to realise their dreams.

Aimed at offering superior value through best in class quality and service to its customers, these studios cater to consumer demands for professional vehicle maintenance and hygiene.

A string of care packages are offered by the studios from Turtle Wax’s Professional. Hybrid and ceramic solutions range are also offered and latest technologies which delivers peerless results are being used.

(With inputs from Automotive Lead Research Team)

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